Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar free essay sample

Character List: Flavius tribune who breaks up crowd waiting to honor Caesars triumph Marcellus tribune who breaks up crowd waiting to honor Caesars triumph Julius Caesar Emperor of Rome Casca first to stab Caesar Calpurnia Caesars wife Mark Antony devoted follower of Caesar; defeats Brutus Soothsayer warns Caesar to Beware the Ides of March Brutus joins and then leads the conspiracy to kill Caesar Cassius organizes the conspiracy and gets Brutus to join Cicero Roman Senator Casca to whom talks on the eve of the assassination Cinna plants the forged letter for Cassius, also a conspirator Cinna (the poet) mistaken for Cinna the conspirator Lucius servant to Brutus Decius reinterprets Calpurnias dream and convinces Caesar to go to Senate Metellus distracts Caesars attention so conspirators can carry out their plan Trebonius takes Antony away from the assassination scene so he wont interfere Portia wife of Brutus Ligarius vows to follow Brutus Publius one of many who escort Caesar to the Senate meeting Artemidorus gives Caesar a letter of warning naming the conspirators Papilius wishes Cassius well in his enterprise Octavius heir of Julius Caesar Lepidus joins with Octavius and Antony, used by Octavius and Antony Pindarus servant to Cassius Lucilius captured by Antonys soldiers, mistaken for Brutus Messala reports Portias death, discovers Cassius body Varro servant of Brutus Claudius servant of Brutus Titinius officer, guards tent at Sardis Cato soldier in army of Brutus and Cassius Clitus servant of Brutus, refused to kill Brutus Dardanius servant of Brutus, refused to kill Brutus Volumnius friend and soldier to Brutus, refuses to hold Brutus sword Strato holds Brutus suicide sword Act I 1. We will write a custom essay sample on The Tragedy of Julius Caesar or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In Scene I, what do Flavius and Marcellus want the commoners to do? They want the commoners to break up and move along; they dont want them to celebrate Caesars triumphs. 2. What is the Soothsayers advice to Caesar? The Soothsayer told Caesar to Beware the Ides of March. 3. Explain the difference between the views of Caesar held by Cassius and Brutus. Cassius openly wants Caesar out of power. He is jealous and wants better for himself. Brutus has been thinking about Caesar and the state of his countrymen, and at this point is ready to listen to Cassius. Although Brutus loves Caesar, he recognizes Caesars flaws. 4. Caesar clearly gives his thoughts about Cassius. What does he say? Caesar says that Cassius has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too much and such men are dangerous. 5. Summarize Cascas explanation of why Caesar looked so sad. Antony offered Caesar a crown. When he refused it, the crowd cheered. So, although Caesar really wanted the crown, he at that point could not publicly accept it. Then he had a seizure. 6. At the end of Scene II in lines 312 326, Cassius makes plans. What plans does he make? Why? He is going to forge notes to Brutus from several citizens in order to help sway Brutus against Caesar. 7. Casca says, For I believe they are portentous things/Unto the climate that they point upon. What does he mean? He thinks the list of unnatural sights he has just told Cicero about are signs of the tragedy about to unfold in their country. 8. Why does Cassius want Brutus to join the conspiracy? Brutus is a favorite of the people. He is honorable and well-thought-of.

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