Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Still Alice Paper - 1437 Words

Dementia refers to the loss of brain function and Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia. It normally attacks old people, but research shows that even the young and energetic can suffer from dementia. Though not totally clear, it is said to be caused by the genes and the environment. Alice Howland is a highly esteemed professor at Harvard University living comfortably with John Howland her husband and three children. The first signs of dementia start showing up when she can’t find her cell phone and she thinks this is normal as her husband normally misplaced his keys, then she becomes disoriented in her home town, and is baffled when she is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in its early stages. We feel for Alice because how she†¦show more content†¦While she is out running, something happens and she can’t trace her way back home in a place where she has lived for twenty five years! After sometime, things click into place and she finds her way home but this is enough to scare her into seeing a doctor, it is very weird and she finds it hard to explain hence she ahead to see a Doctor diagnosed her with mild dementia (Lisa 2010). She is by the doctor, she is a carrier of a mutated gene responsible for the disease and that there is a possibility that her children could be carrying the disease too. There is a scene where we are presented with Alice who wants to go put for a run with the husband and yet she cannot even put on her own sports bra, she screams and the husband comes in only to find her with underwear over her head. Alice herself cannot understand why she cannot put on her own sports bra something she’s done a million times and these draws us to know that the disease is taking a toll on her is when she laughs at this so hard (Lisa 2010). The husband notices that something is amiss with Alice when she doesn’t seem to keep track of conversations in a party they were invited and forgets the names of the people she had been earlier introduced to. When she was preparing for the lecture she took forty five minutes preparing and when she gets into the class she has no idea about what she had prepared. She tries to cover up for the memory loss by every means possible. SheShow MoreRelatedMary Alice : A Victim Of The Woman s Inertia Essay1207 Words   |  5 Pagesinertia, Mary Alice raised her voice and was now practically shouting, This is a mistake. A mistake! Please recheck your records. I m telling you, she is not dead! The clerk s head was turned in her direction but she didn t even blink as the sound of Mary Alice s shrill frantic voice filled the small office. She just stared, her face eerily blank and unresponsive. Mary Alice felt fear tear through her like a comet, panic overcoming her customary reticence. 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