Friday, March 13, 2020

History 320 essays

History 320 essays What a question. Why would a Duke of Normandy wish to invade England, a country that was already unified under a king who was crowned upon the death of the previous king. William states that he had a promise from Edward that he would name him as his successor. He also states that Harold sworn that the title of king would be passed to him. When he heard that that King Edward had passed away and in the same breath heard that Harold was crowned as king he was devastated. During this time we can only assume that William was devastated and began to get very angry for the trickery done to him in England. He began to plot and plan a way to get his rightful place as the king of England. He began looking for ways to get to England, he knew that he would need plenty of ships to carry the equipment he needed to wage war on the Britons. The people of Normandy were trained for war but the war they needed to fight was across the water. The ships he would need for this journey would be large because he planned to bring horses and all the equipment they required. The largest problem was the coastline of England was very dangerous. There were no safe harbor for the large ships to land in and disembark. The weather was another factor in the strategy. The winds have normally flowed a certain way and in order for the ships to get to England there had to be a certain wind to push the ships to there intended landing. This wind they needed was not a everyday breeze but something that they PRAYED for. William felt he had to go thru with the invasion of England or lose face with people of Normandy. He felt that he needed to deal with this to solidify his place. Howarth and the witan are an interesting connection. My personal opinion is Howarth wished he had lived during that time. I think that the witan was likened to todays house of Lords in Engla ...

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