Friday, December 20, 2019

buddhist temple reflection paper 2 1 - 778 Words

My first experience in a Buddhist temple was quite different than anything I have experienced religion-wise. I visited the Quan Am Monastery (Vietnamese-American Buddhist) at 3500 South Goodlet. I got to experience first-hand how meditation in a Buddhist temple actually works. I was very intrigued to find out how someone outside of the Christian faith, worshipped. As one might expect, the atmosphere was very tranquil. My group members and I called ahead a few days earlier and a man answered the phone and it was very hard to understand what he saying but I know I heard him say â€Å"come on Friday so that’s what we did. When we arrived we stepped outside the vehicle we took a look around and there were two buildings outside. One that had†¦show more content†¦While we were meditating he told us to count every breath that we make and if we start to think of anything start back over at 1. So we closed our eyes and began to meditate. While we were meditating things kept irritating my face, for example a string of hair, but the thing is before we started meditating wasn’t anything bothering me. Isn’t that ironic? After a while it went away when I stop thinking about it; I truly think it was a figment of my imagination. We meditated for at least 30 to 45 minutes. He hit the dung 3 times to let us know the meditation was ending. When I opened my eyes I felt so calm and relaxed as if I had no worries in the world. It was so peaceful. The guy who led meditation opened up the floor for questions, but I really didn’t have any questions to ask because I was so calm and I had already asked all the questions that I needed to know when were outside. So we ended the question part and he let us take pictures. We went outside and put our shoes back on and walked around to the back so he could explain the statues to us. He allowed us to go inside the Vietnamese temple and take a look around and it was the biggest temple I have ever seen. He told us about what goes inside there. The Buddhist people that speak English go inside the temple that looks like a house and the ones that don’t goes inside the big one. We took pictures of the building looked around. They welcomed us to come back if we wanted but I really had enjoyed myself.Show MoreRelatedDifferent Kinds of Religions Essay1359 Words   |  6 Pagesreligion. Across the world, religions have their own beliefs and rituals; however, they are all commonly linked with the tradition of beliefs, holy places of worship, and celebrations. While each contrasting world religion will be discussed in this paper; they will collectively be centered around the question of how each religion practices their own beliefs, places of worship, and celebrations. The first religion that I am going to discuss is Buddhism. 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