Sunday, December 29, 2019

Chinese English and Chinglish - Definition and Examples

Speech or writing in English that shows the influence of Chinese language and culture. The terms Chinese English and China English  are often used interchangeably, though some scholars draw distinctions between them. The related term Chinglish, a blend of the words Chinese and English, tends to be used in a humorous or derogatory fashion to characterize English texts such as road signs and menus that have been translated literally and often imprecisely from the Chinese. Chinglish may also refer to the use of Chinese words in an English  conversation  or vice versa. Chinglish is sometimes characterized as an interlanguage. In Global English (2015), Jennifer Jenkins concludes that there are probably more Chinese speakers of English in the world than speakers of any other kind of English. Chinese English and China English With some 250 million Chinese people currently learning to speak English or already fluent, there will soon be more English speakers in China than in the entire British Commonwealth. . . .Since each Chinese ideogram can have many meanings and interpretations, translating Chinese ideas into English is, indeed, extremely difficult. Because of this, Chinese-English hybrid words [such as No noising for Quiet, please, and slippercrafty for treacherously icy road] are often viewed with amusement by the rest of the English-speaking world. Nevertheless, this abundance of new words and phrases, unlikely as it may seem, is one of the prime drivers of the globalization of the English language.(Paul J. J. Payack, A Million Words and Counting: How Global English Is Rewriting the World. Citadel, 2008)On a theoretical level, China English is distinguished systematically from Chinese English, Chinglish, Pidgin English, etc. China English is understood as a standardizing or standardized variety in us e in China, which reflects Chinese cultural norms and concepts. Chinese English refers to varieties of English used by Chinese learners (see Kirkpatrick and Xu 2002). Hu (2004: 27) puts China English at one end of a continuum where lowly Pidgin English or Chinglish is at the other. China English is a language which is as good a communicative tool as standard English, but one which has important Chinese characteristics.(Hans-Georg Wolf, Focus on English. Leipziger Università ¤tsverlag, 2008) Examples of Chinglish Speaking both English and Chinese in ones sentences.Example of a sentence in chinglish: At K-mart, I buy hen duo clothes.(A. Peckham, Mo Urban Dictionary. Andrews McMeel, 2007)Fortified by an army of 600 volunteers and a politburo of adroit English speakers, the [Shanghai Commission for the Management of Language Use] has fixed more than 10,000 public signs (farewell Teliot and urine district), rewritten English-language historical placards and helped hundreds of restaurants recast offerings. . . .But while the war on mangled English may be considered a signature achievement of government officials, aficionados of what is known as Chinglish are wringing their hands in despair. . . .Oliver Lutz Radtke, a former German radio reporter who may well be the world’s foremost authority on Chinglish, said he believed that China should embrace the fanciful melding of English and Chinese as the hallmark of a dynamic, living language. As he sees it, Chinglish is an endangered species that deserves preservation.(Andrew Jacobs, Shanghai Is Trying to Untangle the Mangled English of Chinglish. The New York Times, May 2, 2010)

Friday, December 20, 2019

buddhist temple reflection paper 2 1 - 778 Words

My first experience in a Buddhist temple was quite different than anything I have experienced religion-wise. I visited the Quan Am Monastery (Vietnamese-American Buddhist) at 3500 South Goodlet. I got to experience first-hand how meditation in a Buddhist temple actually works. I was very intrigued to find out how someone outside of the Christian faith, worshipped. As one might expect, the atmosphere was very tranquil. My group members and I called ahead a few days earlier and a man answered the phone and it was very hard to understand what he saying but I know I heard him say â€Å"come on Friday so that’s what we did. When we arrived we stepped outside the vehicle we took a look around and there were two buildings outside. One that had†¦show more content†¦While we were meditating he told us to count every breath that we make and if we start to think of anything start back over at 1. So we closed our eyes and began to meditate. While we were meditating things kept irritating my face, for example a string of hair, but the thing is before we started meditating wasn’t anything bothering me. Isn’t that ironic? After a while it went away when I stop thinking about it; I truly think it was a figment of my imagination. We meditated for at least 30 to 45 minutes. He hit the dung 3 times to let us know the meditation was ending. When I opened my eyes I felt so calm and relaxed as if I had no worries in the world. It was so peaceful. The guy who led meditation opened up the floor for questions, but I really didn’t have any questions to ask because I was so calm and I had already asked all the questions that I needed to know when were outside. So we ended the question part and he let us take pictures. We went outside and put our shoes back on and walked around to the back so he could explain the statues to us. He allowed us to go inside the Vietnamese temple and take a look around and it was the biggest temple I have ever seen. He told us about what goes inside there. The Buddhist people that speak English go inside the temple that looks like a house and the ones that don’t goes inside the big one. We took pictures of the building looked around. They welcomed us to come back if we wanted but I really had enjoyed myself.Show MoreRelatedDifferent Kinds of Religions Essay1359 Words   |  6 Pagesreligion. Across the world, religions have their own beliefs and rituals; however, they are all commonly linked with the tradition of beliefs, holy places of worship, and celebrations. While each contrasting world religion will be discussed in this paper; they will collectively be centered around the question of how each religion practices their own beliefs, places of worship, and celebrations. The first religion that I am going to discuss is Buddhism. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Write a One-Paragraph Summary free essay sample

Proposition 203 In its findings and declarations PROP 203 states that the government and public schools of Arizona are obligated to provide Arizona’s children, regardless of their background, proper skills to be successful. The English language is amongst the most important of these skills. It was discovered that the public schools of Arizona were not doing an adequate job at educating these children but were wasting money on unsuccessful, experimental language programs. In conclusion, public schools in Arizona are required to teach English to these children as rapidly and effectively as possible. All the children in Arizona shall receive nearly all classroom instruction in English. Their materials and books shall be in English and all subject matter shall be taught in English. For English Language Learners (ELL) the curriculum and the way it is presented shall be differentiated in a way for students who are learning the English language. They may be educated separate from the mainstream classroom for a period of the day but the pull-outs should not exceed a year. We will write a custom essay sample on Write a One-Paragraph Summary or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Once they have learned proper English and are able to complete their school work in English, then they will be placed into mainstream English classrooms. To monitor the children’s educational progress of subject matter and the learning of the English language, a standardized, nationally-normed written test shall be administered in English. The only children exempt from this test are those students who have been classified as severely learning disabled. These issues will affect my classroom weather I want them to or not. I have to assure that no matter what the child’s ethnical background, or their native language, they are receiving the appropriate education. Under the state-imposed standards, these students are not being treated equal simply by being provided with the same facilities, textbooks, teachers, and curriculum. Students who do not understand English are then being denied of any meaningful education as they do not have access to what is being presented. Due to Chinese-speaking minorities receiving fewer benefits than English-speaking majorities, clarifying guidelines were issued. The district must take the necessary steps to fix the language deficiency in order to include the students who do not speak English. Also, if students are ability grouped, the program must be designed to meet language skills as soon as possible and must not be a permanent track. Although Lau v. Nichols was essentially the same issue as the other lawsuits, I believe I would have a more difficult time teaching students of an ethnical background other than Hispanic. Even these students though should always be provided with what they need. Their education as young children will be the building blocks of a lifetime therefore they must always be provided with a meaningful education. I may not be able to provide them with instructions in Chinese but I will always assure to refer them to an ELL specialist so that they can be provided with the tools they need. Proposition 203, The Flores Consent Decree, and Lau v. Nichols all end up tying back to the same issue. That is minorities who do not speak English and the education system. Many school districts do not take the appropriate measures to provide meaningful education that is the building blocks of a child’s life time.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Separate Peace Chapter Summaries Essay Research free essay sample

A Separate Peace Chapter Summaries Essay, Research Paper Chapter 1: The storyteller ( Gene ) returns to the Devon School in New Hampshire, that he graduated from 15 old ages before. He goes to a certain tree and switches back to the yesteryear. Phineas dares everyone to leap from a subdivision in the tree into the river. Phineas, and Gene both leap. On the manner back Phineas and Gene play fight so that they are late for dinner. Chapter 2: Mr. Prud? homme, a maestro, stops by the male childs? room to call on the carpet them for losing dinner once more for the 9th clip in two hebdomads. Phineas explains that they were tardily because they were leaping out of the tree to toughen up for the war. Mr Prud? homme, accepts the account because, he, and everyone else, experience sorry for the male childs that will shortly hold to travel to war. Chapter 3: The male childs join The Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session. The nine meets every dark. Phineas and Gene unfastened each dark by leaping out of the tree. They make a new sort of war game called blitzball, in which everyone is everyone elses enemy. Phineas breaks the schools swimming record, but Tells Gene non to state anyone, he merely wanted to make it for himself. Gene and Phineas of campus to the ocean to swim. They have a drink at the saloon, the spend the dark on the beach, and Phineas tells Gene he is his best buddy. Gene is non certain if he feels the same. Chapter 4: Gene and Finny ( Phineas ) wake up and head back to Devon. Gene fails his trigonometry scrutiny for the first clip. Finny tells Gene that he surveies excessively much. Gene thinks Finny is covetous. Gene wants to gain the Scholastic Achievement Citation to acquire even with Finny. Gene knows that Finny must be best and that he can non be best if Gene becomes even with him through his surveies. Gene decides that he and Finny are locked in a complete hostility instead than friendly relationship. Finny announces Leper? s purpose to leap from the tree and coazes Gene off from his surveies. Gene and Finny are traveling to leap together, Finny falls to the land, so Gene leaps into the river. Chapter 5: Finny has a shattered leg. Gene bears private guilt. He puts on Finny? s apparels and the esthesis excites him. Dr. Stanpole, the school doctor, informs Gene that Finny wants to see him. Finny recalls the autumn, and expresses that he thought Gene wanted him to fall. Gene is about to squeal when Dr. Stanpole interupts. Finny is taken to his place near Boston and Gene returns to his hometown in the South. In September, Gene stops by at Finny? s place. They talk about the summer and Gene confesses that he caused Finny? s accident. Finny replies that Gene is brainsick and had done no such thing. Chapter 6: Gene begins work as assistnt crew director, even though he has neer managed athleticss before. The crew director Quakenbush refers nastily to Gene as being? maimed? and Gene attacks him as a answer. Gene is scolded by the maestro for chancing during the summer, and other misdemeanors. Finny phones Gene and, after determining that they would be roomies when he returned, becomes angry at Gene for being a crew director instead than really playing the athleticss. Finny explains the Gene must play athleticss for him. Gene realizes that he was meant to be a portion of Finny from the beginning. Chapter 7: Brinker Hardley stops in to see Gene and congratulates him for holding been able to procure a whole room for himself. He suggests that Gene accompany him to the butt room ( smoking room ) . Gene is teased about holding done away with his roomie. Gene is serious, but so shortly starts to jest to. Brinker composes a verse form indicating that war is deadening, and Devon continues in peace. Many of the Devon boys voluntary to shovel snow out of the railway paths. Brinker announces that he is enlisting. Gene thinks approximately enlisting every bit good, but his ideas are put on clasp, when he returns and happen Phineas waiting for him. Chapter 8: Gene explains to Finny that there are no amahs because of the war. Finny has a quiet vision of peace. Finny begins to train Gene in preperation for the 1944 Olympics. Finny is convinced that there truly is no war at all. He thinks a clump of fat work forces fabricated the whole thought of a war. Gene tries to bury about the war and dressed ore on the Olympics. Mr. Ludsbury exlpains that all exercising is truly portion of the war attempt. Chapter 9: The male childs have returned from Christmas holiday. Leper Lepellier enlists in the ski military personnels. Gene reacts that war must be unreal for a peaceable Leper to enlist. Finny tries to pull Gene into a private universe with merely them two. Finny comes up with a program for a winter carnival. Finny establishes a separate peace for the male childs at Devon. A telegram arrives from Leper, stating that he has escaped and needs aid. The male childs are forced to recognize that war has broken in upon them at last in a existent and of import manner. Chapter 10: Gene recollects readyings for war undertaken by himself and others his age. Most of his clip was exhausted in going about aimlessly to different topographic points until the war was all of a sudden and prematurely brought to a arrest by the dropping of the atomic bomb. He is en path to see Leper. Gene thinks Leper is a? physco? . Leper explains that the ground forces was traveling to disregard him with a Section Eight ( the nuts and physco? s in the service dismissal ) . Leper says that Gene is? barbarous underneath, ? and so supports his position by mentioning the manner Gene knocked Finny out of the tree and? crippled him for life. ? Gene reacts angerly, but Leper? s female parent enters. They have lunch, and so take a walk in the state. Leper recalls some of military life. Gene screams that he doesn? T attention about what Leper is stating because it has nil to make with him. Chapter 11: Gene returns to Devon and finds Finny in a snowball battle. The battle rages as a war games. Finny is sobered and while stating that htere is no war shows that he knows that the war truly does be. Binker tells Gene to halt pitying Finny, because Finny will get down feel foring himself. Brinker points out that it would be good for Gene if everyone could bury about Finny? s accident. Finny confesses to Gene that he is no positive that the war is existent, and besides explains that he has seen Leper concealing in assorted topographic points around the school evidences. Brinker conducts a war trail, look intoing the cause of Finny? s accident and equivocally impeaching cistron as the guilty party. Brinker asks Finny to remember the events taking up to his existent autumn and slowly it becomes apparent that Gene was up on the subdivision with Finny. Finny tells the male childs that Leper is on the school evidences. Leper is brought to test as a cardinal informant who had been present when the accident occurred. Leper says he had seen both male childs in the tree, looking? every bit black as decease? against the bright Sun behind them. Finny ends the test by lifting angrily, cussing at Brinker, and for the first clip get downing to shout. Finny falls down the steps. Chapter 12: Phil Latham, the wrestle manager, is brought to the scene of the accident and malkes finny prevarications still until Dr. Stanpole arrives. Finny? s leg has a clean interruption this clip. Mr. Ludsbury orders Gene to his room. Gene sneaks around to the infirmatory were Finny will be taken. Dr. Stanpole arrives and takes Finny in his auto. Gene negotiations to Finny through the infirmatory window, explicating that he wants to assist, but Finny remains angry and unreceptive. Gene slumbers at the bowl. He finds a note in his room from Dr. Standpol, bespeaking Finny? s things be brought to the infirmatory. Finny eventually admits Gene? s artlessness. Finny knows that Gene did non force him ot of the tree on intent. Finny is really unhappy though. Finny wants urgently to be in the war. Dr. Stanpole announces that Finny is dead. Dr. Stanpole loses control of himself as he tries to explicate that some marrow from the broken bone must hold been released into the blood watercourse and gone to the bosom, killing Finny instantly. Chapter 13: The Far Common of the Devon School is being taken over by the ground forces. Gene realizes that no 1 has accused him of being responsible for what happened to Finny. Mr. Hadley, Brinker? s male parent, arrives, and lectures the male childs on courage, gallantry, and the importance of a military calling. He is disgusted that Gene says he hopes he neer sees a fox hole. Brinker himseld can non accept his fahter ; s mindless proclamation that everyone should be willing to decease for his coutry. Gene realizes that wars are caused by? something ignorant in the human heart. ? He realizes besides that the difficult portion of the war is over for him ; he endured it at Devon. For the existent horror of war is easy mitigated through the hard period of readying of war, non through existent war experiences.