Thursday, November 28, 2019

Study Guide for Crossword Puzzle free essay sample

Guide Acids and Bases: 1. Be able to identify both the Bronsted–Lowry acid and base from a given reaction. ~An acid is a proton donor ~A base is a proton acceptor H3PO4 + H20 H3O+ +H2PO4- H3PO4 is an acid so it is a proton donor. It gives its positive atom to the other element 2. Be able to calculate the pH of a solution given [H3O+] Example: What is the pH of a solution with a [H3O+] of 1 x 10-2 M? The pH level should equal the exponent number of 2. Redox Reactions: Be able to identify what is reduced and what is oxidized in a redox reaction. Ex: What is reduced in the following reaction? 2 Bi3+ + 3 Mg 2 Bi + 3 Mg2+. The reduced element in the following is Bi (Bismuth) because that element is broken down without its charge number. Boyle’s Law: Be able to apply Boyle’s Law to solve for either pressure or volume Ex: A sample of helium gas occupies 1245 mL at 705 mmHg. We will write a custom essay sample on Study Guide for Crossword Puzzle or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For a gas sample at constant temperature, determine the volume of helium at 745 mmHg. P1V1=P2V2 If the pressure goes down, the volume goes up. V2=P1V1/P2 P1=705 mmHg P2=745 mmHg V1= 1245 mL V2= (705)(1245)/745 877725/745=1179 mL=V2 Charles’ Law: Be able to apply Charles’ Law to solve for either volume or temperature (remember to convert to Kelvin) Example: A gas at a temperature of 95 degrees C occupies a volume of 159 mL. Assuming constant pressure, determine the volume at 15 degree C. V1=V2 T1=T2 95Â °C+273=368K= T1 159 mL=V1 15Â °C + 273=288 T2 V2= (368)(159)/288=204 mL Ideal Gas Law: 1. Be able to calculate molar mass given density Example: For a gas at standard temperature and pressure with a density of 2. 75 g/L. determine its molar mass. Standard temperature and pressure occupies a volume of about 22. 4 L. This is known as the standard molar volume of a gas. V=cn (where c is a constant) n is number of molecules 2. Be able to calculate volume or pressure, using PV=nRT P=pressure, V=Volume, n=number of moles of gas, T=Temperature (Kelvin) R=ideal gas constant (0. 0821) for 1 mole of gas at STP, p=1 atm,V=22. 414 L, T= 273. 15K R=PV/nT

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